Friday, November 17, 2006 Sexiest Men Living

I had to add our boy...

Leonard Nimoy

One of my earliest memories is of my mother and her four sisters sitting in our cramped, yellow linoleum kitchen drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes and talking about Leonard Nimoy. They debated his ethnicity and decided that with those full lips and that velvet baritone voice that he was colored, like us. They craved Spock's calm, his honesty, his loyalty--so different from the men in their own lives. "He just looks like he smells good," my mother sighed.

This past September, I happily paid an outrageous amount of money to have my picture taken with Mr. Nimoy. At age 75, he's still as beautiful as ever. And talk about star power. You can feel his personality from across the room.

I remembered to breathe when it came my turn to sit next to him for the photo. He does smell really good.

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