Friday, July 24, 2009

My Hero

My little brother(middle)receiving the Bronze Star Medal during his second tour in Iraq. Look at him all square-jawed and cool shades. I'm so proud of him.

We were toddlers at the same time and since I was slow to walk, he was pulling up and toddling when I was. He was loud and hyperactive and thought that I was God's gift to him. He would knock me over, smash me in the head with the toy phone, slobber all over my face and stomp on me with those hard baby shoes. I'd start screaming then he'd start yodeling in joyful sympathy. My mom finally had to get us separate playpens but he could climb out of his, squeeze his big head through the wooden bars of my playpen and sit on me with his poopie diaper.

Now look at him...fathead boogermunch.


Iddy said...

Oh My, isn't Brudder so handsome and brave??! I know you are proud of him and you have every right to be. Now get outta that playpen and give him hugs! (from me)

~id, obviously overcome with emotion

Anonymous said...

Congrats to your brother fom a veteran

Anonymous said...

wow-two tours. that's an incredible achievement. and congratulations to him for getting his star!

lol@poopie diaper.

Anonymous said...

Well done, little bro!

kayla said...

i love the phrase " yodeling in joyful symphony". so very descriptive. <3 and congratulations to him!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to your brother! You must be very proud of him. My family's military, too, and I'm mighty proud of all the soldiers who are my ancestors, I'll tell you.

Anonymous said...

He's brilliant!

King of New York Hacks said...

Congrats...and I love the story along with the proud moment..siblings never foget poopie diaper attacks LMAO !!