A place for erotic Star Trek fan fiction and the quixotic ramblings of a slightly delusional fangirl. If you are under 18, go away. All others, read, enjoy, comment.
Peace and hair grease.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Eddie & Trek
Jan 23rd: Eddie Izzard in Oaktown and a Star Trek convention in San Francisco. Patrick Stewart will be there. What you hear is the sound of fangirl heads exploding.
I'm so freakin' jealous! Phasers set to "a bit of a cold"...
0h my god. O_O
Eddie ain't ready for you! The man just ran a quadjiggety million marathons in a row. Give him some time to RECOVER
I am seriously hating right now, since I will be in Iraq. Have a great time for me.
Godspeed Sgt Bains.
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